The objective of GDM ́s Code of Ethics is to promote company values as well as to provide a framework of regulations and codes of conduct to prevent undesired behaviors.
It is addressed to all Company members and to those acting on behalf of GDM, to be used
as an action guide for our complex and ever-changing global environment.
The enforcement of this code is mandatory.
The company expects all members to act with ethics and according to the principles established by this code.
GDM will take all the necessary disciplinary measures, including a warning notice or contract termination, in case of violation of this code provisions.
Contact the Human Resources for further information on this document.
We are a global group that applies cutting-edge technology to research, development and trading of high yield soybean varieties and other extensive crops, generating several businesses that add value to the group´s growth.
Contribute to our cutting-edge genetics and technology for the continuous improvement of the global agricultural production, with a transparent business management system, beneficial to all stakeholders.
It is fundamental to make all decisions without the influence of factors other than those based on professional judgement and impartial conduct, preventing that personal interests prevail over those of the company, and acting with ethics in case of conflict of interests.
All Company members are required to communicate any type of conflict of interest that may arise as well as contact their immediate report or the Human Resources area before starting any external activity that may constitute conflict of interest with their GDM responsibilities.
All Company members interested in participating in the political arena must communicate the Human Resources Department before accepting or running as a candidate for public offices.
Company members involved in political activities or public services are not allowed to use the GDM facilities to organize meetings and Company communication channels for political purposes.
All Company members or those acting on behalf of the Company must inform the Human Resources area on their condition of politically exposed person (PEP) or on their direct relation with a PEP.
GDM focuses on improving performance and efficiency, generating order and equal opportunities among its members, to maintain a healthy competition and stable work conditions. These conditions facilitate and promote our members professional development. These are our pillars:
The labor acts performed by members of our Company must comply with the principles of honesty, transparency, impartiality and integrity at all times. These acts must always correspond to the legal framework and regulation.
We require equal treatment among all Company members. We make every effort to prevent any situation that may harm other people. We do not allow any discrimination, verbal or physical abuse among our members or against any other person related to the Company.
GDM values diversity, different viewpoints and different talents. Thus, discrimination in the Company ́s work environments is strictly forbidden.
The primary goal of the Company is to promote equal opportunities to all members.
The Human Resources area evaluates all company professionals with the same criteria, regardless of race, creed, color, origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status or disability.
The Company is committed to develop its members ́ competencies, facilitating their development through training sessions, resources and fair and competitive remuneration.
GDM supports and motivates the professional development of all members.
GDM offers its members the necessary resources for the performance of their tasks, and, at the same time, provides the means to safeguard the integrity of these resources. It is each member’s responsibility to know and implement Company regulations and procedures to guarantee safety and the correct use of the allocated resources.
Members must protect and safeguard the resources under their responsibility from possible theft, loss and/or deterioration.
It’s fundamental to provide our associates with a healthy and safe working environment to carry out their activities. GDM establishes the necessary processes to prevent accidents, lesions and occupational diseases associated with their professional activities in the Company. Thus, any member working inside company ́s facilities must comply with the safety regulations and work with responsibility to guarantee his own safety and that of his/her colleagues. Whenever necessary, employees must wear uniform provided by the Company for their normal activities.
Quality is recognized as our great competitive edge. It is essential to understand that our Company’s reputation depends on the quality of our products and the way we produce and sell them. All this is achieved through individual and teamwork.
At GDM consider sustainability an important part of our Company. This is shown in three major areas of work:
To develop a relationship with suppliers and third parties based on integrity, ethical behavior and mutual trust. The Company will not tolerate any illegal or unethical behavior from suppliers, third parties or business partners.
GDM chooses its suppliers and strengthen its relationship with them based on formal, clear and transparent recruitment processes.
We expect our members to reflect GDM values towards client care, always searching for the best levels of quality and excellence and based on modesty and respect. The objective is to develop lasting relationships based on trust, commitment and transparency.
Our Company is committed to fair competition and promotes free competition in benefit of our clients, always in conformity with the respective legal frameworks. This includes contracts enforcement and practices that increase market competition and promote innovation and new ideas to add value to the business. It is important to understand that GDM ́s reputation is connected to the reputation of the profession in general and that of its competitors, avoiding, in any way, to damage its credit, image or prestige. GDM refuses any competitive tactic that can harm the profession reputation and, consequently, that of our Company.
Under no circumstance, Company members should enter into agreements or formal and
informal exchanges with competitors on the following topics:
All publicity and advertisement on commercialized products must be honest and
representative of the real characteristics of the GDM product.
It is strictly forbidden any offer, direct or indirect, cash payments, or the concession of a benefit to a public or private entity to obtain an illegal, unethical business or competitive advantage, which, without this payment or favor would be impossible. It is also not allowed payments made to speed up a process, directly or indirectly.
It is understood that to offer gifts or any form of business entertaining is a way of developing good commercial relationships. It is important that our associates use common sense whenever it occurs, avoiding any situation that may defame a person or the Company.
All Company members must inform the Human Resources area on received gifts.
Intellectual Capital and Data Security
Company’s intellectual capital must be protected and it is the obligation of members to comply with this regulation. It includes trademarks, patents, copyrights, trade secrets, or any information that is susceptible to property rights by the Company.
We protect and take all measures to safeguard all the confidential and personal information we keep, collecting and treating them with responsibility and giving them the care they deserve. We prohibit the disclosure of any confidential and personal information entrusted on us, unless otherwise authorized or under the right, professional or legal obligation to disclose it. The use of our collaborators information is restricted and can only be accessed through the Human Resources area.
We prohibit the use of our clients’ confidential information for the benefit of any person or third party.
Company members must make responsible and productive use of the communication
systems in the workplace such as e-mail, telephone and internet. An adequate image of the Company abroad must be kept by using the communication systems responsibly (language teaching, correct answering of incoming calls, among others).
It is forbidden the use of social media on behalf of GDM to disclose illegal, inappropriate,
offensive or discriminatory material, considering that they can affect Company prestige and reputation.
All GDM members must make clear that their participation, opinions and statements in the social media or internet forums are of personal character and have no connection with the Company. Thus, they must abstain from using the Company image, name and logo.
You can also make your report anonymously by phone calling +1 855 938 5044
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